A smart grid is a transactive grid.
- Lynne Kiesling
Archive for March, 2012

Oh Power

Courtesy of Miller-McCune, an article on software company Opower which thinks it can get consumers to use less electricity by instigating some friendly neighborhood competition.  We have oft discussed our skepticism of the long-term fatigue effect of simple information sharing and peer group ranking but, to be fair to the overall smart grid debate, here […]

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How Utilities Can Gain Maximum Benefits From Consumer Data Analytics … Wait, What About The Consumer?

Some interesting thoughts on via the Smart Grid Library on how utilities can benefit from consumer data analytics but – of most interest of all – is the fact that it is written from a utility perspective.  Its focus is how utilities can benefit from analyzing consumer data – but wouldn’t a better mechanism be […]

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Smart Meter Use Yields ‘Modest’ Savings

Via Earthtechling, an interesting – but not unsurprising (at least to this blog’s authors) – report on the minimal impact that smart meter use has upon power savings.   For without smart markets to actually give people a chance to see real price signals and make informed decisions about how to place value on behavioral changes, […]

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About This Blog And Its Authors
Grid Unlocked is powered by two eco-preneurs who analyze and reference articles, reports, and interviews that can help unlock the nascent, complex and expanding linkages between smart meters, smart grids, and above all: smart markets.

Based on decades of experience and interest in conservation, Monty Simus and Jamie Workman believe that a truly “smart” grid must be a “transactive” grid, unshackled from its current status as a so-called “natural monopoly.”

In short, an unlocked grid must adopt and harness the power of markets to incentivize individual users, linked to each other on a large scale, who change consumptive behavior in creative ways that drive efficiency and bring equity to use of the planet's finite and increasingly scarce resources.