A smart grid is a transactive grid.
- Lynne Kiesling
Archive for June, 2010

Bringing the Smart Grid Home: Will Consumers Opt-in?

Courtesy of Clean Techies, an interesting article on the smart grid and the need for consumer engagement.  As the report notes: “…The consumer face of the Smart Grid looks like you and me.  It is tall and short, conservative and liberal, lazy and driven.  In short, it is everyone, which means that it can be […]

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Smart Water Grid On Tap?

Via CleanTechies, an interesting report on the potential for a “smart” water grid.  As the article notes: “…It’s been a great year for the Smart Grid. Entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, analysts, journalists, and regulators can’t stop talking about it. Experts are competing to project greater market potential. Zpryme puts the Smart Appliance market alone at $15.2 […]

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Malta: The World’s First Multi-Utility Grid Should Save Water and Money

Courtesy of IEEE’s Spectrum magazine, an interesting report on Malta’s smart grid deployment, a comprehensive strategy comprising meters, pricing, and other incentives to move people towards more rational conservation and use. “In the Mediterranean, nobody wants to pay for anything!” my cab driver bellows as he drops us off at the headquarters of a Maltese […]

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About This Blog And Its Authors
Grid Unlocked is powered by two eco-preneurs who analyze and reference articles, reports, and interviews that can help unlock the nascent, complex and expanding linkages between smart meters, smart grids, and above all: smart markets.

Based on decades of experience and interest in conservation, Monty Simus and Jamie Workman believe that a truly “smart” grid must be a “transactive” grid, unshackled from its current status as a so-called “natural monopoly.”

In short, an unlocked grid must adopt and harness the power of markets to incentivize individual users, linked to each other on a large scale, who change consumptive behavior in creative ways that drive efficiency and bring equity to use of the planet's finite and increasingly scarce resources.